RTF2PDF Release Notes

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26.3.2018 - V7.50

- updates to font embedding

- improvement of font baseline calculation

- various updates to PDF generation

- improved DocX loading and saving


23.8.2016 - V4.30

* updated PDF engine

* updated DocX import and export

- fixes print problem introduced by Windows update around 19.8.2016


10.6.2016 - V4.30

- integrate the latest PDF exporting engine

- several improvements to DocX import and export

- fixes in HTML load and save

- HTML support now handles "rel" and "target" parameter of hyperlinks

* several improvements to editing engine


4.3.2015 - V4.23.3

- fixes a problem in 64 edition

- BeforePage / AfterPage event was not triggered in 64bit edition


23.1.2015 - V4.23

- improved section support

- DocX can be loaded natively with RTF2PDF/TextDynamic Server

- DocX can be saved natively with RTF2PDF/TextDynamic Server

- several improvements to PDF converter


10.10.2014 - V4.0.2

- improved 64 bit support

- fix problem with demo


23.9.2014 - V4.0.1.1

- fix problem with text boxes in RTF text

- improved transparency support of PDF engine

- improved Type3 creation of PDF generator

- several smaller enhancement to HTML loading


10.8.2014 - V4.0.1

* update of our ASP demo at (32 and 64 bit on Windows 2008 Server)

+ added chapter "ASP .NET Troubleshooting"

+ Add Copyright info the the PDF properties  (see SetProp)

+ Add extensions to the PDF XMP  (see SetProp)

+ finetune Type3 embedding - only add certain fonts (see SetProp)


25.3.2014 - V4.0

+ added unicode DLLs

+ added 64bit support (unicode DLL only)

+ improved PDF engine V4 (wPDF 4)

+ new RTF Engine V7 with improvement5s to  rendering and HTML support

+ new PDFCreator.Fontmode EmbedType3Fonts


+ IWPPrintParameter.AllPagePaperSource and FirstPagePaperSource values will now be saved to RTF.

 They will only be loaded from RTF, when the format string "RTF-ReadPrintPar," was used. They are not loaded

 in general, since the application must allow it to change the paper source.

 (note: IWPPrintParameter is valid for the whole document and not for individual sections)

+ You can use IWPMemo.TextCommandStr(47) to retrieve a list of the tray names and IDs for the current printer.

+ The formatstring "RTF-ReadWPT4Fields," will make TD convert WPTools 4 fields into merge fields.

- fix problem with wrong display of merge field start

* RTF reader now handles UNC file links which use "\\" in the path

+ Saves and loads \column

* stream RTFvariables were not loaded from WPT format. They are loaded now.


Upgrades to RTF2PDF/ TextDynamic Server V4 are free, when you ordered on or after 1.10.2013.




10.11.2012 V3.93

- Update to RTF reader to load landscape flag for sections better

- when page mirror was used, after a page break the text indentation was sometimes wrong

- hyphenation code was broken

- workaround for word files which have space characters in table definitions

- fixes problem with numbering of footnotes

- improvement to selection code (doubleclick)

- improvement to display of NL symbol (if active)

- improvement to tables with header+footer rows



19.3.2012 V3.90

* improved HTML export (i.e. write all parameters in "")

* improved HTML import (i.e. reading cell heights)

- when writing HTML background color is not set to white when shading is 0. 0 is treated as default value.

- image align center and right now works in HTML

- fix an endless loop when image was too large

- improvement of table border drawing

- improvement for right align in table cells

- RTF writer writes background color easier to understand by Word

* improved word wise cursor movement when fields are used

- dash symbols were not painted using the current font color

- some stability improvements

+ improved XML import/export

- fix problem when painting insertpoints after tab stops. They were painted two times.

+ the text writer now understand the format option -softlinebreaks to create a \n at the end of

 every line. In fact all soft line breaks will be handled like the #10 code.

- some smaller editor and stability problems fixed

+ It is possible to specify a field name inside the formatstring for the load and save functions: Load and Save Category



14.10.2011 V3.78

+ Sub paragraph: IWPParInterface.SetParType

- change in RTF reader to let section inherit the default layout, not the current page layout

- fix of problem with table borders when also PageMirror was used.

* updated border enhanced dialog

* updated border drawing code - now supports dotted lines with wider lines.

* modified WPT reading code to repair table width which were negative

+ improved image rendering code for transparent (PNG) images. They will be drawn transparently

 also when scaled and also in high resolution rendering mode.

+ new code to draw dotted lines which also supports wider lines

- fix problem when there were too columns

* MergeText now restores before Merge Cursor position and selection (except for cell selection)

* resizing a table column does not move the cursor to the nearby cell anymore

* different frame line when resizing columns and rows

+ InsertColumn now also works if wpAllowSplitOfCombinedCellsOnly was used in EditOptionsEx

+ improved paint routine now avoids clipping of characters which were overlapping their bounding box,

 such as italic letters or "f".

+ paragraph styles can now contain border definition for paragraphs

* revised code to draw double borders - always draws two lines on screen even when zoomed

* improved saving of numbering attributes with styles

- fix problem with page numbers in sections when tables were spanning pages

- fix problem with right aligned negative numbers in merge fields

* automatic text attribute was not inherited to tables inserted in fields



20.7.2011 V3.75

* Memo.SetBProp(0, 23,1)can be used to force colored table borders to be printed black (workaround printer bug)

- updated PDF engine to sort named destination in lexical order

- IWPPageSize.GetProp was not working

- modified DBCS support for RTF reader

- improved table handling in editor

- fixed problem in "WPT" reader to update current outlines with the loaded outlines

- update to PDF export

- resizing of images in the text improved (did not work if the image was made larger than the page)

* updated actions to apply inner and outer borders to selected cells

- update to symbol dialog, tab and table dialog

- fix problem with internal exception "too many EnableProtection".

- wpsec_ResetPageNumber flag is now saved in WPTOOLS format

- HTML Writer: A style with name "DIV" will be added to the style sheet to save the default font

- HTML Writer: BaseFont tag will now be written with font size (requires -writebasefont option)

- improved display of character background color for fields and other special code

* change in format routine to fix problem when a nested table cell caused a page break.

* several fixes and updates in editor

* PREMIUM: Improved editing of text boxes


25.9.2010 V3.72

* improved PDF export : updated font embedding code

- improved RTF reader (problem with ANSI characters > #127)

- some improvement to table rendering code (bottom border of vertically merged cells)

+ HTML: new support for ­ entity

* the print preview will now be displayed over main windows

* several improvements of editor

* improvement to RTF writer to when writing table cells

* improved right aligned text

* fixed problem with line heights of lines which are empty except for new line character


17. June 2010 V3.76

+ it is now possible to load base64 embedded JPEGs from HTML


3. March 2010 V3.74.3

* improvement of optional http image fetch mode

* improvement of bullet and number support

- HTML writer will write page info only if format string "-PageInfo" has been specified

- HTML writer will write &nspc; in all empty paragraphs

- fix in event handling


22. December 2009 V3.74

- fix problem with keep in table rows

* XML reader/writer handles foot notes

+ new commands in IWPParInterface.ParCommand to

    find character attributes in paragraphs

    to change certain attributes quickly

- fix problem with paragraph numbering

- fix problem with encoding certain characters in RTF



28. October 2009 V3.73

* improved manual, see chapters WPDllInt, IWPEditor, and API Reference

+ added topic: Text property reference

+ faster monochrome dithered TIFF creation (requires server license)

- improvement of RTF reader

- improvement of in HTML writer

- improvement of PDF creator

+ IWPParInterface (Memo.CurrPar) can now work with selected text, too: workswithseltext



31. July 2009 V3.72

+ Use SetSProp(7, filename) to specify a background image for all files

+ updated PDF engine

+ new KeepN support to keep paragraphs and tables together on a page. See Memo.SetBProp.

+ new FormatOptionEx2 wpfHideParagraphWithHiddenText to hide paragraphs which only contain hidden text.

* bugfix in PDF Generator

* RTF writer will now create different code for embedded SPAN objects to avoid problems when loading RTF in Word

+ The reader now understand the format option "-nonumstyles" to load numbering not as style, but as text. This way the numbering can be represented as in the original (Word-) file. This is very useful when exporting RTF to PDF without any editing.

+ new ViewOptionsEx flags (sew SetBProp)

* improved column handling (Premium Edition) with column balancing

* improved HTML loading and saving


23. August 2008 V3.69

+ BMP export

+ PNG export

+ TIFF export.

- fixes problem in HTML reader

- EMF export did not use correct page size when normal layout mode was used.


24. July 2008 V3.68

* updated wrapper for VS2008 (also see the trouble shooting note)

* improved PDF export engine

+ EMF data is now saved to RTF as emfblip data.#


18. April 2008 V3.66

+ add PDF tags to mark paragraphs and tables

- fix resource leak which occurred with some PNG Images were used.

- improve PDF export engine


28. March 2008 V3.65

+ new, optional reporting is available now

* improved PDF engine

* improved formatting performance

* revised manual (see mail merge, TextCommandStr and Introduction)

+ added syntax highlighting (HTML)

-  CurrSelAttr was not always updated. This has been fixed.


14. January 2008 V3.60

+ new printing function - see Commands to print text (to printer, not PDF!)

+ HTML rendering mode


30. November 2007 V3.40

* several improvements to word processing engine

* better handling of Japanese unicode characters when exporting PDF

* fixed saving of spacing inside table cells


14. November V3.39

- fix in InputRowStart - Border was not applied

- sever fixes in RTF handling


20. July 2007 - V3.37

* improved support for keepN.

* some improvements to RTF engine

* better handling of auto sized tables - needs to be activated using Command(1029,1)


5. June 2007 - V3.35.6

+ RTFDataAppendTo can now create sections

+ when loading HTML you can specify the format string "-utf8" if the HTML code contains UTF8 characters

- better handling of code pages when saving HTML and RTF

+ IWPPageSize.SetProp can be used to select properties for a new section

* HTML reader is more forgiving when loading non well formed X-HTML

* ReleaseInt now makes sure not to delete interfaces which are still needed


19. April 2007 - V1.52

+ improved .NET assembly. IWPEditor is now implemented as C# class and most interface references are automatically managed

+ the event OnPaintWatermark can be used now. It receives the page number in "Mode".

+ new ID in ParCommand to check if it a paragraph is empty is empty

+ new ID in Memo.TextCommandStr to mark certain paragraphs to be exported as PDF outlines (bookmarks)


28. February 2007 - V1.51

New .NET method ReleaseInt - this releases an interfaces at once and avoids problem with garbage collection to access an interface although the object has been already disposed.

New API: IWPTextCursor.TableSplit

IWPTextCursor.TableSort   sorts rows in a table

IWPTextCursor.ASetCellProp changes attributes of a range of cells







16. February 2007 - V3.50.5

+ new ASP.NET test server is online at http://www.rtf-net.com

+ "Premium" features now included (TextBox, footnotes)

- several improvements in API (InputHeader, SelectNextPar)

- InputHyperlink initialized "title" instead of "href"

- improvement to work with Windows 64 (metafile fix)

- solved threading issue


10. February 2007 - V3.50

+ first public release of RTF2PDF V3.5, akn "plus"

+ you can load license info from file

+ new setup procedure

* changed license keys - code looks like "wwww-xxxx-yyyy-zzzz"


30 January 2007 - V3.49 (beta)

* much improved manual - it now incorporates the developers API Reference

+ the .NET assemblies are now all "strongly named".

 This makes a recompilation of the projects necessary.

+ the included DLLs and the OCX are now signed by WPCubed GmbH (Authenticode Technology)

- improved PDF export (the CID font feature works better)

- possibility to embed binary data in the PDF file

+ TextAttr is now also published by interface IWPMemo

+ new method MoveToField

+ new method InputEmbeddedData - you can insert objects for PDF attachments (requires the optional PDF creation license)

+ new low level methods to move current paragraph (IWPParInterface.Select..)

+ new convert methods to calculate index values from text, font name and color values to be used with ParASet

+ new low level methods to loop all paragraphs in a document. (ActiveText.SelectFirstPar, SelectNextPar)

+ improved method to extract metafiles: Memo.SavePageAsMetafile and Memo.GetPageAsMetafile

+ new property PageSizeList to install a list of page size definitions (see demo "ExtractMetafiles")

* the internal interfaces (Memo, TextCursor) have been enhanced to be "dual". This improves the compatibility with development systems which use the OCX version of TextDynamic.

+ when saving HTML automatically embedded images will be written as files. See chapter "HTML loading and saving"

+ the spellcheck dialogs can be now localized suing the XML code in the PCC file

+ the interface MAPI can be used to create e-mails (HTML incl. attachments) and send them

+ the integrated MIME encode can be used to create e-mail data (use format string MIME)

+ Memo.RTFDataAppendTo to create a large text from multiple copies of the current

+ Memo.SaveToVar - save the text to a variant (.NET: "object") - for better performance

+ Memo.LoadFromVar - load data from a variant


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